Emergency Relief Fund
The Huni Kuin Federation have requested Mothers of The Amazon to fundraise for their communities to provide immediate relief during the recent and unprecedented floods that have lead to a health and sanitary crisis in many Huni Kuin regions and villages.
This fundraiser is organized by Mothers of The Amazon, whose main mission is to support indigenous health through restorative and regenerative community projects. Mothers of the Amazon is an initiative that operates under the EarthWays Foundation.
EarthWays is a catalyst for global awareness and social and environmental activism. It develops projects, which eventually become independent organizations such as Amazon Watch, that work alongside and cooperatively with EarthWays
In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to an unprecedented health crisis in the Amazon, many indigenous communities have been hit by devastating floods. These floods are leading to a devastating sanitary crisis resulting in the loss of housing structures, crops and access to clean water and a rise in parasitic infections and mosquito borne illnesses, such as Malaria and Dengue all leading to an increase in co-morbidity factors with COVID-19.
Over 400 Huni Kuin and Shanenawa families, in 25 Huni Kuin villages, 6 Shanenawa villages and 8 Shawandawa villages located in Acre, in Amazonian Brazil have been affected heavily by the recent floods. These 39 villages have lost 64 housing structures and over 184 plantations which represents an important part of their annual food crops on which they depend for survival. These villages have also lost access to clean water and are now prone to high exposure to mosquito borne illnesses in addition to COVID-19. They need our immediate assistance during this unprecedented health crisis. Indigenous health will be at high risk during this coming rainy season.
We are raising $5000 for 39 villages that were affected by the floods. $3700 / BR20000 per village for immediate needs which include food, water and gasoline for transportation (to reach the cities by boats to buy goods). $3700 / BR20000 was the amount determined by the communities for these immediate needs. The additional $1300 that we are funding will be used to purchase, ship and distribute emergency medicines that were requested by the Huni Kuin Federation and the Shanenawa people to tackle this unprecedented health crisis.
We have been working with a group of holistic doctors and scientists led by Dr. Sabine Hazan that have been conducting the only FDA approved clinical study on alternative treatment and COVID-19 to help the Huni Kuin Federation and the Shanenawa respond to the health crisis they are facing and help protect the health of their communities who will now be facing several mosquito borne illnesses, parasitic infections and COVID-19. We believe this action is imperative in order to save lives during the coming months as the rainy season continues.
The Huni Kuin territory is large and consists of 108 villages. It takes up to 9 days by boat to reach certain villages. As we continue to assess the damages caused by the floods with the Huni Kuin Federation, we will continue to update this fund to respond to this crisis in real time.
End of March, after we are done evaluating all the damages incurred by both the Huni Kuin and the Shanenawa we will start funding to rebuild the housing structures that were damaged by the floods and replant the crops they have lost before the next rainy season starts. We are planning to have all funds available by mid June to start rebuilding and planting early July at the end of the rainy season and once the land has dried.
100 percent of your donations go to supporting indigenous communities and are tax deductible.
With infinite gratitude for your support,
The Mothers of the Amazon team